Recently, me and a lady friend made a trip to one of those Halloween costume and decoration shops that only opens up in October in one of those recently closed big box stores. We were checking out costume ideas for her 7 year old and were trying to get a few ideas for ourselves, but were greatly disappointed in the selection of costumes for women. There were Lady Gaga costumes, Snookie (from the Jersey Shore) costumes, and a wide variety of sexy animal/occupation/TV or movie character/period costumes. And in the little girls costume section everything was pink: pink kitty, pink princess, pink witch, bleh! It seems the Halloween costume industry is seriously lacking in not-so-sexy, not pink, kick butt costumes for girls and ladies and it seems the only way around this is to DIY your own.
Allow this video to further illustrate my point (warning: this video contains naughty language):
Allow this video to further illustrate my point (warning: this video contains naughty language):
Anyways, I'm still trying to determine what I want to be for Halloween this year. Got any ideas?
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