Alright. I have a confession to make. I have royal wedding fever (please don't judge). Normally I'm the kind of girl that gags and cringes at weddings, but when it comes to the royal wedding I'm embracing it and can't get enough info. I think it is a great news distraction from all of the stressful, complicated wackiness going on in the world today (like the tornados in the South, the economy, gas prices, birthers, etc).
This week, in honor of the wedding, I put my Barbie clothes crocheting asside and created this Will + Kate sampler using the pattern from the bugsandfishes blog. I was pressed for time to work on this, so it took me 3 days to complete but it was not difficult to make. In addition to the sampler, my mom also made chocolate chip scones for the big day.
Now, I won't be waking up at the crack of 3am to watch the coverage, but you can bet I'll be DVR-ing it. Do you have royal wedding fever? Will you be waking up at the crack of 1,2,3, or 4am? Let me know in the comments below.
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