This week on Project Runway the designers were asked to design a red carpet worthy cocktail dress for a major celebrity- Miss Piggy. Now, to some viewers this challenge may seem a bit outdated as Miss Piggy's Muppet Movie was released in theaters around the Christmas holiday. But, if you can recall, Project Runway All Stars was scheduled to air last fall (in 2011), but was pushed back to 2012.
Anyway, the spirit of the challenge was to create a fun yet fashionable dress. I was really surprised to see that so many designers seemed to gravitate towards black fabric instead of embracing bright, bold and funky colors and a few designers elected to focus their dresses on meeting the designers aesthetic rather than focus their efforts on a dress worthy of Miss P.
Kara |
Before the runway, Kara fought with Mondo and Austin over accessories (namely the gloves) and for good reason. I thought that the cutout made the dress interesting, although I can't image this look on Miss P. In fact, the only part of the outfit that I can picture on Miss P are the gloves.
Mondo |
Mondo's dress had a retro vibe with it's short, mod-mini dress shape and big buttons, yet the origami- like fabric treatment at the bottom made the dress appear fresh and modern. I thought that Mondo's dress was better than some of the looks that made it into the top 3 and I could totally see this look on Miss Piggy if she were making an appearance on Mad Men.
Anthony | |
I thought that Anthony created a very beautiful and fashion forward look. Heck, I would wear his dress! However, I believe that Anthony's use of black fabric and dark colored fabrics may have come across as too serious for the judges and Miss Piggy.
April |
April is an example of a designer who decided to cling to their design aesthetic over creating a look that their client would like. April stuck to her predominant use of dark, gothy color (black) and created a look worthy of Miss Piggy, if Miss Piggy were attending a funeral.
Jerell |
Jerell's dress had way too much going on- it's had ruffles, sequins, lace, feathers and jewels. Plus, this outfit fit his model poorly, giving his model the appearance of saggy boobs and a wide waist. And the look was forgettable to boot! In my opinion, Jerell's look should have landed him in the bottom 3. I'd even go as far as say that I think Jerell's look should have sent him home.
Kenley |
I was totally surprised when Kenley's dress landed in the top 3, because I thought she was surely headed to mediocrity at best with her simple skirt design, awkward fitting top, and giant pile of tulle on her model's head. Even Miss Piggy said that she thought the hat could double as a pot scrubber. I kind of think the only reason this ended up in the top is because it was a) predominantly pink b) so the judges to talk about the dress some more.
Rami |
Rami's dress definitely screamed fun with it's giant ruffles and pink and orange polka dots. It also reminded me of a flamenco dancer dress, and some of my Barbie doll's outfits from the 1990s. Even Miss Piggy said "This is the most Garish Outlandish Ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I love it. It looks like a candy store exploded." I suppose if the criteria was to make the most fun, whimsical and cartoon like dress- Rami's dress was worthy of the top 3...if only he could get the polka dots on the seams to match up.
Michael C.
I thought that Michael C. created a pretty dress that made his model look like a Christmas present and a hat worthy of the Royal Wedding; however, I had a difficult time imagining Miss Piggy in the look. Apparently, I'm not in tune with Miss Piggy's tastes, because Michael's look was selected for the win.
Mila is
I liked the initial idea and description of Austin's dress; however I wasn't thrilled about Austin's choice of lipstick pink fabric or the 2 giant pink bows on each hip (they made me want to reach into the TV and cut the bows off). I believe Austin really could have pulled this outfit into the safe zone with a little tweaking and I was glad that the judges decided to keep him around for another week.
Mila |
Mila was another designer who totally disregarded the client's tastes, and created a look to meet the designer's own aesthetic. Mila's look wasn't bad, in fact it was kind of cool with it's 60s mod vibe, but the dress was too serious and severe for Miss Piggy and did not appear fresh or fun. This week, the judges kept Mila safe.
Gordana |
Gordana was sent home this week. Gordana's dress wasn't bad, but it was also not very original and looked more like a Miss Piggy night gown than a cocktail/ red carpet dress.
What did you think of the challenge, judges decisions, and dresses? Let me know in the comments below.
all the designs are awesome but my favourite is the punk one with the orange polka dots!