Since moving to the UK, I've been trying to get settled in by finding local shops and things that I can frequent throughout the week. I've already found my local grocery store and farmers market, I wish I could find a closer book store and coffee shop in this town (within walking distance anyways), and my recent quest was to try and find a regular beauty salon that I can go to. I've been known to struggle with finding a good hair place in the past because I don't tend to think about finding a hair salon until my hair is un-liveable and by then I'm so antsy to GET MY HAIR CUT NOW that I end up just going to Supercuts and later grumble about the consequences. Alternately, I also tend to over think and over-reasearch beauty salons to the point that I give up on getting my hair cut and resolve to just live with it a little while longer.
Anyways, since I hadn't gotten my hair cut since January I did some careful research and booked myself an appiontment to get my hair trimmed in Bury St. Edmunds.
Before picture (outfit inspired by this Pinterest post):
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
tank top (unseen), leggings: Walmart
Skirt: Nordstroms
Shoes: Toms
Bracelet: Made by aunt
Watch: Target
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