What I've Been Reading in June

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde/ After reading a lot of children's books and popular fiction, I decided that I wanted something a little different. I chose this book from a selection of classics available for free on my Kindle and I loved it! Oscar Wilde's wit is hard to beat!

Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination by J.K. Rowling/ I found this book calling to me from the library bookshelves (I mean, it's written by freakin' J.K. Rowling for crying out loud!) and I had to pick it up. It's a short read, written up from her 2008 commencement speech she gave at Harvard University. J.K. talks about her own post-graduate experiences, her struggles, her failures, and how it allowed her to pursue her dreams. It's full of great advice for anyone!

The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion/ This is the sequel to The Rosie Project (that I read in April). This time, Don and Rosie are married and have moved to New York to expand their careers. and Rosie is pregnant. As Don begins to take on research opportunities to better understand how to be a father, there's trouble in paradise with his relationship with Rosie and more hijinx ensue. I didn't like this book as much as the first one, but it was still a fun read.

Captain Marvel, Vol. 1: In Pursuit of Flight by Kelly Sue DeConnerick/ Finally! A female superhero who's strong and bad ass in her own right! This comic has Air Force Major, Carol Danver's assuming the Captain Marvel title, ditching the girly costume for a flight suit, and allying herself with a squadron of female World War II fighter pilots. After reading several positive reviews, I finally picked this up and I'm so glad I did. I can't wait to read the next volume!

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