Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone had a fun and happy Easter weekend!
This weekend, the band Gooding was in town. They're a pretty rockin' live act that you all should check out if you get the chance.
On Easter Sunday, I spent the day with my parents and they cooked up an Easter brunch. I may be soon entering my late twenty's, but I am not too old for chocolate bunnies and dyed Easter eggs. My mom and I just fixed the traditional hardboiled eggs and colored them with white vinegar and food coloring. Maybe next year I'll try some of the lovely Easter egg decorating techniques I saw on the web. Here are a few of my favorites:

Martha Stewart had tons of ideas like these Lace Eggs, Stenciled Eggs, and Chocolate Eggs.
And if you're on Ravelry, check out these sweet Egg cozies.

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