What's making me laugh: people quiting their jobs

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Now I'm sure by now you've all heard about the JetBlue flight attendant who slid down the airplane's inflatable slide with 2 beers in his hands as he kissed his job good-bye. For some reason, his story is really resonating with people. To some he's a hero representing those who have held jobs they didn't like and always wanted to kiss-off. And others (like me) hold him in high regard for activating that inflatable slide and using it in a non-emergency (I mean, how fun is it to have an inflatable playground toy that you can only use when you and everyone else is in a high state of panic!?).


Have you seen the story about the girl who quit her job on a dry erase board? I especially like how she calls her boss out for referring to her as a HOPA and for his excessive time spent on Farmville.

*waits for you to watch it*

If you haven't figured it out by now, the girl who quit her job on a dry erase board is a hoax, but that doesn't make it any less funny. Hopefully, those of you who are working haven't had to call it quits.

Have a nice weekend!

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