Previously on Project Runway: Season 9, Episode 15

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Aka. Tim Gunn's Behind the Seams of Season 9

This week, Tim Gunn had his very own special in which he showed us his favorite moments, some behind the scenes footage, gave out his own awards to contestants and discussed his pet peeves of the season. Let's take a look at the awards:

Most Likely to Be the Last Person to Run Out of the Workroom: Kimberly

Most Cheated Out of a Win: Anthony Ryan and the bird seed dress

Most Likely Designer to Ask the Most Questions About a Challenge: Burt

Make It Work Award: Anya

Best Decoy Collection: Laura

Excellence in Time Management: Viktor

Not Even Having the Remotest Concept of Time Management: Olivier

Most Beloved Mentor: Tim Gunn

And the big question of the series- what peeves off Tim Gunn? Glue guns and sewing models into the garments.

 It was pointed out, that Olivier seemed to have gotten dogged on twice- once when Tim Gunn awarded Anthony Ryan for the Most Cheated out of a Win Award for the pet shop challenge which Olivier won, and second when Olivier was awarded for his lack of time management. I just wanted to give a special shout out to Olivier who could have also won an award for Best Accent On a Male Designer, Best Hair on a Male Designer, or Best Use of a Neutral Color Pallet. Also, I was a little disappointed that Joshua was not around for the final interviews, although he was in the "Thank you, Tim" video. I also noticed that Bryce was not in this episode even though he made a final decoy collection. I would have liked to have seen more of the Decoy collections in the episode as well. 

Did you watch Tim Gunn Behind the Seams? Did you agree with Tim's awards? Was there a designer that you wish would have made a final appearance? Is there a designer that you think should have designed a collection for fashion week, but didn't. Let me know in the comments below. 

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