What's Making Me Laugh: Ira Glass Sex Tape

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Note: The following video does not contain any explicit images or REAL sex. It is just a parody....a very silly parody.

One of my favorite things to do over the weekends during graduate school was to pull out my knitting needles and listen to Ira Glass on WBEZ Chicago's This American Life radio series on Itunes. And I won't lie...I might find Ira Glass's nasally voice attractive and may find the man himself attractive in a nerdy/ intellectual kind of way. So, when I stumbled across this YouTube parody recently, I was curious.

I'm amazed at how accurate the "Ira Glass" character is able to stay in character and stick with the This American Life radio show format, even though his voice is a little off. So if you are also a fan of Ira Glass and This American Life, you have to listen to this.

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