Previously on Project Runway, the designers hopped onto helicopters and were flown to the QVC headquarters in Westchester, PA where QVC program host, Lisa Roberson, introduced their next challenge. Lisa asked the designers to create a red-carpet look for Lisa to wear at QVC's pre-Oscar event. The winning look had to look good on video, in still camera shots and Lisa would need to be able to sit and stand comfortably for long periods of time while conducting interviews. In addition, QVC would replicate the winning look to be sold on QVC.
As an added twist, this week Viktor revealed to the designers and judges that he has been HIV positive for several years.
The guest judges were Mondo Guerra and Mad Men's Elizabeth Moss. Let's take a look at the designs:
Seth Aaron had planned on making a floor length gown by adding a fish-tail to his dress. Thankfully Zana talked him out of it! On the runway, the judges nit-picked Seth Aaron's hem line and booty, but Elizabeth liked the shiny fabric. Seth Aaron was safe this week.
Seth Aaron |
Am I the only one who groaned when
Christopher said he wanted to use his over-used feathering technique to make another gown!? Elizabeth and Lisa enjoyed Christopher's use of technique with the leather (which you could barely see next to the navy fabric), but Mondo called the skirt "tortured". In my opinion, Christopher and Elena's places should have been switched this week, but in the end Christopher was safe.
Christopher |
Korto created a comfortable-looking gown with an orange skirt and POCKETS! Even though Alyssa wasn't a fan of the beige colored top, Korto's dress definitely appeared to be the easiest to reproduce and Korto was the winner this week.
Korto |
Viktor should have given more thought to his fabric choice this week. Although his silhouette was decent, Zanna pointed out that you never see green gowns on magazine covers because they don't sell and his shiny material showed every flaw in the photographs. Viktor's silhouette and tailoring kept him safe this week.
Viktor |
Elena decided to work with fabrics other than neoprene this week, using brocades to create a reptilian scale effect. I thought Elena deserved an A for effort, and although the judges didn't really have anything negative to say about Elena's dress, she still ended up in the bottom. Thankfully, she was safe.
Elena |
Irina's dress seemed more suited for a wedding rather than the red carpet. Although her gown photographed well and she put a lot of work it (multiple panels, boning, applique), the model could barely walk down the runway and the dress ended up getting torn as the model tried to climb the stairs. Irina was out this week.
Irina |
There's only one season winner left! What did you think of this challenge? Did you agree with the judges decisions? Let me know in the comments below.
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