1. Limited Edition Sketchbook duck, 2. Yarn Bombing Vine, 3. Yarn Bombing Granny Squares, 4. Wichita Nature Center, 5. Wichita Old Town, 6. 11 Bride & Groom on Cake, 7. 250, 8. view from wichita art museum, 9. Kate Middleton 4, 10. My So Called Scarf, 11. Mix Tape Sockhead Hat, 12. Adventure on the High Seas, 13. Boy on the Moon, 14. Boy vs. Dragon, 15. Limited Edition Sketchbook line, 16. Limited Edition Sketchbook Blues, 17. Lettuce Scarf II, 18. Page 21 and 22, 19. Limited Edition Sketchbook Donut Whole 3, 20. Boathouse, 21. 4 x 6 project, 22. Fountain at the Hyatt, 23. Exploration Place Bird Room, 24. Picture in picture, 25. Front Cover, 26. Page 7 & 8, 27. Page 13 & 14, 28. Jane Eyre Shawl close up, 29. Wichita Art Museum, 30. mustang stamp, 31. Limited Edition Sketchbook Keeper, 32. Limited Edition Sketchbook Thor, 33. Self- portrait, 34. Limited Edition Sketchbook Ryan Gossling, 35. Limited Edition Sketchbook Gary & Mary, 36. Limited Edition Sketchbook roses
It's a new year, and I've got a new list of craft project's to share from 2012. Last year I completed 2 Art House Co-op sketchbooks, joined a local sketch crawl group, DIYed some outfits to wear to my husband's military graduation and DIYed some favors for my wedding. Feel free to take a look back at some of my craft projects from 2012.
Drawing and Painting
Pictured on Ravelry (screen name: chicknittingface)
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