Last week, the Project Runway designers flipped out after the judges replaced their models with average men because they feared they would be designing menswear. Well they lucked out last week, when they discovered that they were really designing for men's (female) significant others, but this week the designers were not so lucky. This week the designers were asked to complete a menswear challenge and design a look for "up and coming band" the Sheepdogs. The winning look would be featured in editorials in Marie Claire and Rolling Stone magazine and worn by the band member at a Rolling Stone event. The designers were divided up into 2 teams, however the looks would be judged individually and the designers only needed to make sure the designers looked like they came from the same planet. Well, apparently all of the designers decided that they would have The Sheepdogs look like they came from the planet of cheap Jimi Hendrix rip offs with seriously hideous results.
The teams were:
Anthony Ryan
Team 1
Anthony Ryan
I liked Anthony Ryan's shirt fabric which looked like a retro floral print, but upon further inspection had a wood pattern on it. That's about it. Saggy, dropped crotch flairs are never going to be stylish, and neither is a fringe back. Lucky for Anthony Ryan, there were plenty of other, even more hideous designs this week, so the judges kept him safe.
Anya's lack of sewing skills finally showed this week in her weird, Pocahontas looking frock. Not only was the garment hideous, and poorly sewn (the jeans were coming apart in the back), but the design was seriously lacking in Anya's masterful print selection. Since this was Anya's first time in the bottom and her first time designing menswear, the judges took pity on her and saved her for another week.
I appreciated that Laura listened to the client's request to have a red pant and agreed that the look had a bit of a 1970-80s Stephen Tyler of Aerosmith kind of vibe. But, I also agreed with the judges that the red tie dyed tank top looked a bit like the client had a shaving accident. I kind of wondered why none of the designers paired with this band member decided to dress him up like Project Runway session 2 designer, Santino Rice. Just a thought.
The judges liked Bert's design because he gave his band member a "look" as opposed to a costume, however I'm not sure if the band member was a fan of the purple striped pants, tank, and cardigan. I thought this look was alright and was defiantly the most modern of the designs, however I was not a fan of the braided pig tails. Bert will be back to sew another day.
Team 2
Kimberly seemed to loose her way in the menswear challenge, creating a look that looked like a rejected outfit from a 1970s fast food chain. The colors were bland and the shirt looked like a bowling shirt with a weird collar. Kim ended up in the bottom 2 with this look, but the judges took into consideration that this was her first time doing menswear and her skillful pant sewing saved her from elimination.
Joshua returned to his old habit of overworking his look. I think Joshua created several decently made pieces, but together it was just too much. The judges liked the zipper detail on the pants, which I can also appreciate ;-) I also liked the print on the tank top, but I was not a fan of the vest. The judges decided that Joshes good pieces were good enough to keep him for another episode.
Olivier was touted as a menswear designer and he selected the lead singer as his muse. Then Olivier preceded to gripe the whole episode about how "over weight" his band member was, and how he couldn't sew his outfit because his muse was larger than his dress form. In the end, Oliver's look appeared boring and unfinished, and Olivier was sent home.
Viktor was awarded the winner of this challenge because he demonstrated his time management skills when making 3 pieces for his look. He also sent down the only runway look that looked runway ready and was sightly fashionable, and therefore I agree that he deserved to win this week.
Did you watch Project Runway? Do you agree with the winners/ losers? Le t me know in the comments below.
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